related_posts: enable:true title:相关帖子# Custom header, leave empty to use the default one display_in_home:false## 是否在主页显示相关帖子
5. hexo-filter-mathjax — 数学公示渲染
npm install hexo-filter-mathjax
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math: # Default (false) will load mathjax / katex script on demand. # That is it only render those page which has `mathjax: true` in front-matter. # If you set it to true, it will load mathjax / katex script EVERY PAGE. every_page:false## 是否在每一个页面使用
mathjax: enable:true # Available values: none | ams | all tags:none
local_search: enable:true # If auto, trigger search by changing input. # If manual, trigger search by pressing enter key or search button. trigger:auto # Show top n results per article, show all results by setting to -1 top_n_per_article:1 # Unescape html strings to the readable one. 转义 unescape:true # Preload the search data when the page loads. 预加载 preload:true
7. hexo-abbrlink — 生成永久链接
npm install hexo-abbrlink
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url: 这里换成自己的域名 root:/ permalink:archives/:abbrlink.html ## 设置文章永久链接 abbrlink: alg:crc32# 算法:crc16(default) and crc32 rep:hex# 进制:dec(default) and hex permalink_defaults:
8. hexo-related-popular-posts — 推荐文章插件
npm install hexo-related-popular-posts --save
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related_posts: enable:true title:推荐文章# Custom header, leave empty to use the default one display_in_home:false params: maxCount:5 PPMixingRate:0.25 isDate:false isImage:false isExcerpt:false